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SynthCore::Multiplier Class Reference

Multiplier: IE ring-modulator, VCA or amplitude modulator. More...

#include <Modules.h>

Inheritance diagram for SynthCore::Multiplier:

SynthCore::Module List of all members.

Public Methods

virtual std::string getName ()
 The name is just a virtual placeholder.

 Multiplier (SynthVoice *S1)

 ~Multiplier ()

void update ()
 Actual Code;.

Static Public Methods

ModulenewInstance (SynthVoice *S1)
 Static constructor (for 'factory' use).

Public Attributes

 Mono Module.


Detailed Description

Multiplier: IE ring-modulator, VCA or amplitude modulator.

Multiplier. That is, a VCA (voltage controlled amplifier) This can be used for ring modulation. No oversampling yet What is the difference between ring modulation and amplitude modulation?

Oversampling? Should it be possible to take absolute value of one (or both) of the signals?

Definition at line 220 of file Modules.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Syntopia Project. Visit the web page, or the SourceForge page.
Docs made by Doxygen. Email: Mikael Christensen