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softSynth Class Reference

Softsynth is derived from AudioEffectX and implements the basic VST interface. More...

#include <softsynth.h>

List of all members.

Public Methods

 softSynth (audioMasterCallback audioMaster)
 ~softSynth ()
virtual void process (float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleframes)
virtual void processReplacing (float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleframes)
virtual long processEvents (VstEvents *events)
virtual void getProgramName (char *name)
virtual void setSampleRate (float sampleRate)
virtual void setBlockSize (long blockSize)
virtual void resume ()
virtual bool getOutputProperties (long index, VstPinProperties *properties)
virtual bool getEffectName (char *name)
virtual bool getVendorString (char *text)
virtual bool getProductString (char *text)
virtual long getVendorVersion ()
virtual long canDo (char *text)

Public Attributes

Synth * mySynth

Detailed Description

Softsynth is derived from AudioEffectX and implements the basic VST interface.

Definition at line 28 of file softsynth.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Syntopia Project. Visit the web page, or the SourceForge page.
Docs made by Doxygen. Email: Mikael Christensen