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SynthCore::Envelope3 Member ListThis is the complete list of members for SynthCore::Envelope3, including all inherited members.
addInput(Input *I) | SynthCore::Module | [inline, virtual] |
addOutput(Output *I) | SynthCore::Module | [inline, virtual] |
Envelope3(SynthVoice *s) | SynthCore::Envelope3 | |
firstVoice | SynthCore::Module | |
getInput(int no) | SynthCore::Module | [inline, virtual] |
getName() | SynthCore::Envelope3 | [inline, virtual] |
getNoInputs() | SynthCore::Module | [inline, virtual] |
getNoOutputs() | SynthCore::Module | [inline, virtual] |
getOutput(int no) | SynthCore::Module | [inline, virtual] |
getUniqueID() | SynthCore::Module | [inline, static] |
getXML(int indent) | SynthCore::Envelope3 | [virtual] |
hostVoice | SynthCore::Module | |
IDCount | SynthCore::Module | [static] |
Input1 | SynthCore::Envelope3 | |
killVoice | SynthCore::Envelope3 | |
loadParameter(string tagName, float par, XMLNode *n) (defined in SynthCore::Module) | SynthCore::Module | |
loadXML(XMLNode *n, bool firstPass) | SynthCore::Envelope3 | [virtual] |
ModID | SynthCore::Module | |
Module() | SynthCore::Module | [inline] |
myData | SynthCore::Envelope3 | |
newInstance(SynthVoice *s) | SynthCore::Envelope3 | [inline, static] |
SynthCore::Module::newInstance() | SynthCore::Module | [inline, static] |
newMidiEvent() | SynthCore::Module | [inline, virtual] |
operator<<(std::ostream &ostr, Module &myMod) | SynthCore::Module | [friend] |
operator<<(std::ostream &ostr, Module *myMod) | SynthCore::Module | [friend] |
Output1 | SynthCore::Envelope3 | |
resetIDCount(int i) | SynthCore::Module | [inline, static] |
saveID(int indent=0) (defined in SynthCore::Module) | SynthCore::Module | |
saveParameter(std::string tag, float f, int indent=0) (defined in SynthCore::Module) | SynthCore::Module | [static] |
saveParameter(std::string tag, std::string s, int indent=0) (defined in SynthCore::Module) | SynthCore::Module | [static] |
setDuration(int calls) | SynthCore::Envelope3 | |
sharedClone() | SynthCore::Envelope3 | [virtual] |
update() | SynthCore::Envelope3 | [virtual] |
~Envelope3() | SynthCore::Envelope3 | |
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Email: Mikael Christensen